Rita Dahlman Award

for Outstanding Presentation in Writing Studies at the RMMLA Conference

Deadline for Nominations: January 1

Awards Announced: March 1

The Rita Dahlman Award carries a $250 prize.


Rita Dahlman was a daily reader who encouraged her children to follow suit. In this way, she instilled a lifelong love of reading in her children. Her influence and support led her daughter Jill to obtain a doctorate in Composition and Rhetoric. Cancer claimed the life of Rita in January, 2022. This award aims to recognize those individuals who are adjunct faculty and independent scholars, who are currently on the job market, and junior faculty (up to rank of Assistant Professor), who are planning to advance rank.

Rita Dahlman

Application procedure:

  1. Nominations must be made by the Chair of the session in which the individual presented and forwarded to the RMMLA Executive Director by January 1. Session chairs should include the following in their nomination: Title of presentation, Name of presenter, Name of session. Adjunct or Assistant Professor presenters in a Writing Studies session are eligible for nomination by the Session Chair.
  2. Nominees will be contacted and asked to submit a one-page narrative of the presentation (written in English only) and a one-page CV by email attachment by no later than February 1 at 11:59 P.M. Hawaii Standard time. The paper must be in narrative form and consist of an overview that grounds the presentation in theory, an application of the theory, and a statement of where the presenter would like to take this research next.

The selection committee for the award will consist of members of the Dahlman family and an outside reader. Selection is based upon the following:

  1.     Completeness of the application
  2.     Originality of the research and contribution to the field of Writing Studies
  3.     Contextual theory (placed in a scholarly context)

The nominee will be notified of the decision by March 1.