Editorial BoardThe RMMLA Editors would like to thank those listed below for graciously serving on the Editorial Board of The Rocky Mountain Review and E-Review. Editorial Board members serve a three-year term, renewable for additional three-year terms. Requests for renewal are reviewed by the RMMLA Editors, the Executive Director and members of the Executive Board based on criteria set out in the document 'Description of Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members' that is given to each Editorial Board member at the time of initial appointment to the board. Editor in Chief Jose Suarez, University of Northern Colorado Editorial Board Members by Interest Area: American and All English Non-UK, Pre-1865 Doreen Alvarez Saar American and All English Non-UK, Post-1865 and Linguistics Alan Blackstock Asian Studies British Studies and Science Fiction Composition, Graphic Novels, Technical Writing, Pedagogy Studies, and Service Learning Jill Dahlman French, Francophone, Comparative Literature Studies E. Nicole Meyer Germanic Studies Latin American and Luso-Brazilian Studies Spanish, Ibero-American Studies |