Guidelines for Submission

of Articles and Book Reviews for The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature


Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted ELECTRONICALLY as an attachment in Microsoft WORD (.doc or .docx, NOT .pdf) to Joy Landeira, Managing Editor, The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, with backup copy to Mollie Hand, Assistant to the Editor, at the following addresses:

 [email protected]

[email protected]

Please include your name and phone number in the e-mail. Authors of articles for The Rocky Mountain Review must be members of RMMLA at the time of submission. The author's name should appear only on the cover letter, not on the manuscript. The following statement should be included in the cover letter:

“I confirm that this manuscript is not currently being considered by another publisher, nor has it been published elsewhere, under this, or another title."

 Please allow three to four months for a response regarding publication.

 Format: The journal’s print version and electronic versions publish articles in English and all languages of editorial expertise in the RMMLA. Authors should write in their language of greatest proficiency.

 A length of 15 to 25 double-spaced pages, excluding Endnotes and Works Cited sections (minimum 5000 words).

 Follow MLA-style guidelines as detailed in MLA Handbook, 8th Edition. New York: Modern Language Association, 2016.

Footnotes are unacceptable. Endnotes may be inserted mechanically or created electronically within the program, and precede the Works Cited section.

 Abstract: An informative and comprehensive abstract of 50 to 100 words must accompany the manuscript when first submitted. No identifying information may be included on the abstract page.

 Documentation: Writers are responsible for checking the accuracy of references and for ensuring that complete information is provided in the Works Cited section for sources referenced in the text.

Figures and Images: It is the author’s responsibility to seek and to obtain written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce any visual or other materials accompanying the manuscript.

Review Process: All articles submitted for consideration, whether they appear in the print or Web version of The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, undergo a scholarly review process. Details about the review process and a list of members of the Editorial Board are included on the website. Manuscripts will not be returned to authors.

 Acceptance and Publication: Once a submission is accepted for publication, its author provides the following to the Editor by e-mail to: 

[email protected]   and  [email protected]

  • a clean, fully revised version of the article with endnotes and list of works cited
  • a short abstract
  • a biographical note of 3 sentences, approximately 50 words

The article is then copy-edited and prepared for publication. The print journal is published semi-annually, in the spring and fall semesters, and mailed to members who opt to receive it when they pay their membership dues. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis and are published in the order that they are accepted, as space allows.

Editors bear the final responsibility for the journal, and reserve the right to refuse an article that is excessively tardy or otherwise unsuitable. Manuscripts receiving a "revise and resubmit" recommendation will be kept on file for two years.

Following publication in the print version of The Rocky Mountain Review, authors will receive three complimentary copies of the journal issue featuring their article.

These guidelines for submission of articles are in effect beginning January 1, 2020.


Submission: Reviews should be submitted ELECTRONICALLY as a Word document only(.doc or .docx, NOT .pdf)   to  Joy Landeira, Managing Editor

Please include your name and phone number in the e-mail. RMMLA membership is required to serve as a book/media reviewer for the journal. Reviews should be submitted within three months of book receipt. All corrections and revisions must be completed by August 31st for the fall issue and December 31st for the spring issue. Editors bear the final responsibility for the journal, and reserve the right to refuse a review that is excessively tardy, too lengthy, or otherwise unsuitable.

Format: Reviews should be two to four manuscript pages in length, approximately 800 words, double-spaced, and conform to MLA style in the MLA Handbook, 8th Edition. New York: Modern Language Association, 2016.

Footnotes, endnotes and lengthy quotations are not allowed in book reviews.

The primary focus of reviews should be the critical evaluation and framework of the book or media item, not a summary of its contents or chapter by chapter reprise. A maximum of two book reviews per author may be published in each issue.

Reviews should begin with the following information, in the order and with the punctuation and styles outlined in the example below:

Name of the author or editor(s) of the book or media item.

Complete title and subtitle in italics, edition (if applicable).

Place of publication: name of publisher, year of publication.

Number of pages.

Reviewer’s full name and institutional affiliation, if any. If the reviewer is an independent scholar, it must be stated.


Mary Ann Caws. To the Boathouse: A Memoir. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2004. 243p.

Joanne Craig

Bishop’s University


Publishing: Reviews are printed in alphabetical order, according to the name of the author of the work reviewed. Following publication in the print version of The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, authors will receive one complimentary copy of the journal issue featuring their book review.


The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature is indexed in these scholarly indexes:

 •MLA  International Bibliography

  • Humanities Index
  • Project MUSE
  • MHRA Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature
  • IBZ    (International  Bibliography of Periodical Literature)
  • NISC (National Information Services Corporation)
  • Women Studies Abstracts
  • LLBA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts)
  • IBR    (International  Bibliography of Book Reviews)
  • Book  Review Digest
  • Book  Review Index
  • Media Review Digest
  • The electronic version of Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature and information for membership in the RMMLA is available at www.

These Guidelines for Submission of Book Reviews are in effect beginning January 1, 2020.