Other organizations or caucuses whose interests parallel those of the RMMLA are welcome to become Affiliate Members of RMMLA (see list below).

Such organizations may request to become non-voting affiliate members of the Association for a five-year renewable term. This request should be addressed to the Executive Director, who shall present the request to the Executive Board for its consideration. (For the purposes of the RMMLA bylaws, a caucus is defined as a group having some sort of political allegiance that is not limited by an interest in a particular author, literary period, or discipline, but rather is focused on some common interest of its members. A caucus is often interested in formulating and promoting institutional and societal policies that will, in some way, benefit its members and the community.)

Affiliate organizations and caucuses may hold one session, not to exceed ninety minutes, at the Association's annual convention.

Individuals in all affiliated organizations who participate in the convention must become dues-paying members of the RMMLA (thus receiving all privileges of membership) and must pay all applicable convention registration fees.

Links to the WWW sites of our affiliate members are added as we receive them.
(Please email us at [email protected] with the URL of any organization listed below without a link.)