Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association

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Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association


Benefits of RMMLA Membership

  • Member access to the most recent and archived issues of the expanded, online version of the association's scholarly journal, The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, as well as online versions of the newsletters, the Call for Papers for the annual convention, membership, and registration forms. U.S. Members can OPT-IN to receive hard-copy print mailings of RMMLA's semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal, The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature;
  • Eligibility to serve on the Executive Board and vote in Board elections, as well as eligibility to serve on the Editorial Board;
  • The privilege of chairing a session at and/or proposing papers and/or special topic sessions to the annual RMMLA convention;
  • The possibility of publishing articles and/or reviews in the print and electronic versions of The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature;
  • The opportunity to apply for all RMMLA grants and awards;

Dues must be paid by April 1 to receive the spring mailing of the RMR (U.S. only) and by November 1 to receive the winter issue. Members who are current in their dues will have year-long access to the online versions of the journal.

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What is RMMLA?

The Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA) is a non-profit membership organization, established in 1947, that promotes the study and teaching of language, literature, and culture. The Secretariat and Directorate of the RMMLA is hosted by the University of Wyoming. 

The RMMLA has approximately 900 faculty, student, and independent members coming primarily from Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, eastern Oregon and Washington, western Texas, as well as the province of Alberta, Canada, though many other states and provinces are represented in the RMMLA membership lists, not to mention several international members representing every habitable continent.

We have approximately 75 library subscriptions to our refereed journal, The Rocky Mountain Review, with print and Web-based distribution. The journal is indexed by several important scholarly indexes and is included in the JSTOR project and Project MUSE at Johns Hopkins University.

RMMLA holds an annual convention, usually in early October, attended by over 600 of our members.


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